Dänische Kekse, 2019, 6 channel sound installation,
28 min loop, loudspeakers (exciter), cookies

Scherenschnitt, 2011, sound installation
Drawing board (ca. 150 cm x 80 cm), audio loop (11.44 min), loudspeakers (exciter), player + amplification.

o.T. (Glitzern, Staub & Rauschen), 2011, sound installation
Size variable, duration endless, fans, tin cans, glass, styrofoam, contact microphones, amplification, speakers with resonant objects.

o.T. (communication), 2000, sound installation, 44 min audio loop
Two black boxes, which are placed in a dark room and "communicate" with each other. This happens with short electronic noises and light signals. Once they are engaged in a rhythmic 'talk', then they begin to quarrel or 'talk' at cross-purposes.